Then I Heard a Voice

Carl Magruder: Facing Our Fears of the Great Unraveling

Carl Magruder Season 2023 Episode 47

Quaker chaplain and Earth Quaker Carl Magruder speaks about the Great Unraveling that is taking place now as the breakdown of the industrial growth society that we know, and the possibility of the Great Turning toward a life-giving and life-sustaining order. During this time of the Great Unraveling and the Great Turning (terms used by Joanna Macy), it is normal to experience grief and fear. Carl teaches the wisdom in accepting our grief and facing our fears in order to recognize and contribute to the courageous and prophetic ways necessary to bring in a new way of life.

This video is excerpted from a February 2020 Nurturing Faithfulness interview conducted by Marcelle Martin. The video editor is Cai Quirk. Karie Firoozmand supported the editing. The project received funding from the Obadiah Brown and Sarah Swift Benevolent Fund and the Legacy Fund in New England Yearly Meeting (Quakers).

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